Below are some suggestions that may assist you to prepare your child for school.
In the months before school
- Make sure your child’s immunisations are up to date and you have supplied the school with a current record of immunisation.
- Have your child’s eyes and hearing checked.
- If your child has a serious allergy, medical condition or any additional needs, communicate with the school as early as possible and make an appointment to see the school.
- Explore and organise the before and after care arrangements that will work best for your family. There is a Fun Kids OSHC which provides Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care within the grounds of Glendenning Public School. More information about Fun Kids OSHC can be found here.
In the weeks leading up to the first day
Introduce what going to school will be like for your child by practising parts of the school day routine.
- Practise a morning routine of waking up early, putting on school uniforms and packing school bags.
- Establishing a regular bedtime routine will help your child get enough sleep to wake up refreshed and ready to learn.
- Practise morning tea and lunch time routines. You may like to set up opportunities for your child to practise getting their lunchbox out of their school bag and teaching them to open it by themselves. Children may need help to identify what they eat at morning tea and lunch. Help your child to manage their food by only packing containers and food packaging that they can independently open.
- Try to align your child’s morning tea and lunch time to a similar time to when they will be having these breaks at school - 10.00AM for Crunch and Sip, 11.15AM for lunch and 1.40pm for afternoon tea.
- Help your child get familiar with wearing closed-in-toe shoes for the whole school day by setting regular times in the day where they need to wear and be active in their new school shoes.
- Write your child’s name on everything (iron on labels and laundry markers work best).
- Make sure you have the school’s phone number in a handy place at home, and on your mobile phone.
- Don’t buy school stationery before school commences. Students do not need to purchase or bring any stationary items. Resource packs will be available to purchase through the school, at the beginning of the school year.
- Fill in a bus pass application if required. Applications must be made online. Children do not require a bus pass until they start Year 3.